Immunization Information

Immunization Information :

Texas State law requires that all children attending school be immunized against various childhood diseases. During registration, a copy of the current updated student’s immunization record is required. The nurse/clinic coordinator/designee will evaluate the student’s immunization record and notify the parent/guardian of any other required immunizations. Students must maintain updated immunizations or be current on the catch-up schedule while attending a public school. KIPP Texas Public Schools are required by Texas law to abide by the no shots-no school requirements.

Students with a medical condition that are not able to receive vaccines, parents may submit a medical exemption from their healthcare provider. A student that has had varicella (chicken pox) disease, parents may complete the History of Varicella Disease form. All other exemptions (Religious or Reason of Conscience), parents must submit the completed notarized original affidavit from the Texas Department of Health Services (DSHS) to be kept in the student’s permanent folder until the student transfers to another school. Students must have the original processed notarized affidavit before registering for school. See 25 Texas Administrative Code Section 97.63 for a list of required vaccines.

Bacterial Meningitis -

In the 86th Legislature, HB 3884 required the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) to create procedures for school districts to provide information relating to bacterial meningitis to students and parents. This requirement was previously assigned to the Texas Education Agency (TEA). DSHS has created a website with bacterial meningitis information aimed at students and parents.

Bacterial Meningitis (add attachement or link- )